Rubies were believed to hold the power of life, with their redness representing the colour of blood. The colour red is today associated with our most intense emotions of anger, love, passion and rage. Rubies are one of the most historically significant stones. They are traditionally associated with beauty and wisdom, as well as signifying wealth and success.
The name ruby is derived from the Latin word ‘ruber’, meaning red. Being rare, durable and very attractive, it ranks deservedly among the precious stones. The ruby belongs to the corundum family of minerals, the same as sapphires.
The colour of rubies can range from medium-light red to dark red, sometimes accompanied by purple-red or brown-red tints. The stone should also possess sufficient transparency. The most desirable colour is the ‘pigeon’s blood’, usually mined in Burma. These possess an intense, bright, blood-red colour, sometimes accompanied by a very slight blue or purple hue.
Rubies are the birthstone for July and represent the 15th, 40th and 80th jubilee wedding anniversaries.
Reduced deposits of quality coloured gemstones and the demand for specific quality grades has led to the introduction of treatments. It has become common for coloured gemstones to be treated, although some processes are more acceptable than others. Rubies are usually treated with heat to enhance their colour.
We welcome you to view our coloured gemstone collection or to arrange an obligation-free consultation at our Collins Street boutique in the Melbourne CBD to explore your choices. Our tutorial with real loose diamonds and coloured gemstones will ensure you make an informed decision that is tailored to your specific needs. Dealing direct with the designer also ensures great value for money and guarantees your satisfaction.
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The region became culturally distinguishable from the Lowlands from the later Middle Ages into the modern period.